Overview Hyper-V, Quota, RDS, WDS, Share

-Install PPTP VPN on server 2019

First make sure you-ve installed ADDS, DHCP, and Routing, and make sure the user that needs to connect to the VPN has Network Access Permission set to Allow Access in the user settings.

Also make sure that the Router has configured the port 1723 for use of PPTP VPN.
After that go to Tools then Routing and Remote Access

Right click on the server where you installed Routing on and then click on Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.


Skip the start screen Next >

Select Virtual private network (VPN) acces and NAT Next >


Select the network adapter that has access to the outside network Next >
You can either choose for automatically assigned IP addresses or from a specific range, for now only select Automatically, Next >

Keep this setting as the default, because RADIUS is needed when you have more clients. Next >

Finish the config and if it does show pop-ups click on Ok.

Expend the server list and then right click on Ports

Because we-re only going to configure a PPTP VPN we have to make sure that the other VPN ports are closed/ shut down for security purposes. Click on the port that needs configuration and make sure everything is deselected and the Max ports number is at 0. Only for the WAN Miniport (PPTP) the Max port number needs to be changed to 5.

After this if the DHCP config for the VPN doesn-t work we can still specify a range.
Right click on the server then click on Properties.

Go the the IPv4 tab, select Static Address Pool, click on Add and then specify a range you want to use.
In this case I used as the Start IP Address and as the End IP Address.

After this the configuration should look something like this.

After this go to the Network and Sharing Center of the client that needs to connect to the VPN of the Server and click on Set up a new connection or network.

Select Connect to a workplace Next>

Select Use my internet Connection (VPN)

Type in the IP of the Router that connects the server where your VPN is located in the Internet Address:

And also create a name for the VPN connection. After this click on Create.

Go to the VPN settings on your PC, click on your VPN and then go to Advanced Options.


Click on edit.

Change the VPN type to PPTP, then save.

Now Connect to the VPN with the User you configured to access VPNs.